EN - Release notes 1.8.4

Date release notes changed:09-08-2020
Release notes also available in:




  • PIM-2788: The underlying database used to store the Beeyond data (Orient) has been updated to version 2.2. This is necessary because support ends on older versions. It also improves the overall stability of Beeyond.
  • PIM-4508: Beeyond logging has been improved. This makes it easier to search for issues, with the result that they can be analyzed and resolved more quickly.

  • PIM-4629: Many files (Blobs) are stored in the database. For example, when executing workflows in which an error report is created, an output file (result of the export) is drawn up. A cleanup of corrupt blob files has been done.
  • PIM-4761: In this version preparations have been made so that it is possible to convert the various customer environments (which currently still log in via https://portal.beeyond.nl) to a single tenant environment. This means that every customer gets his own Beeyond environment, and no longer has to share it with other customers. This will improve performance and stability. Communications on this topic will follow more extensively in the near future.


  • PIM-2912: Emptying, filtering and sorting a group attribute did not work. Entities can be linked to each other with this attribute type 'Group'. Based on a specific selection in a field, other choices are displayed in a subsequent field. In addition, it is possible to make fields visible only when a certain value has been selected. The group attribute now works in the same way as a regular relation (dropdown) attributes in Beeyond, where filtering, sorting and emptying was already possible. In addition, fields of this type can now also be made mandatory in the blueprint.

  • PIM-3126: From Beeyond it is possible to print labels. An addition has been made that text is now cut off on the label to the specified width in the template. If, for example, a 2-lane label roll is used, this no longer leads to the problem that a description continues on the next label.

  • PIM-3628: The possibility to search for an exact barcode is added in Beeyond. This is possible via the advanced filter, with the option 'equal to'.

  • PIM-3766: Previously it happened that the modified date of a record was changed when in fact nothing was changed due to an import or bulk mutation. This has now been adjusted so that this date only changes if something actually changed in the record. The advantage of this is that unwanted data is not sent to other systems.
  • PIM-4109: Via Data, Entities it is possible to make look-up tables invisible via the icon . If you then click on the 'Refresh' icon in the overview , all look-up tables became visible again. This has been changed, so that the look-up tables can now only be made visible / invisible with the icon 'Show / hide look-up tables'.
  • PIM-4385: Customer specific: the retrieval of data via the iFrame has been accelerated by filling in the date from / to a fixed date of the current week.
  • PIM-4473: It is no longer possible to delete an Excel export created by another user. Previously, this could be aborted via the menu path Workflows, Jobs Running.
  • PIM-4475: The Excel export that can be performed via Data, Entities is now executed in .XLSX format. Previously this was in .XLS format.

  • PIM-4483: If an Excel export was performed via Data, Entities that also had a boolean attribute (check box), this field was not always filled with TRUE / FALSE in the Excel file. If such a boolean field has never been filled, this field would have been empty in Excel. Now it always says TRUE / FALSE (language depends on the installed Excel version).

  • PIM-4521: When using the Delegation functionality, now all screens will be closed properly.

  • PIM-4524: In date fields a period selection can be applied. However, this period selection did not work correctly. When applying the filter again, it automatically shifted one day. This has been adjusted. See below as an illustration.

  • PIM-4587: When copying a 1-n relation, from now on it will be directly linked to the record from which the copy action is started.

  • PIM-4611: The VAT status and Chamber of Commerce status is in some cases not correctly stored in the history of a record, resulting in a fatal error when accessing the history of this record. This has been resolved so that no fatal error message will be given.

  • PIM-4613: In the bulk mutation editor, the option has been added that a bulk change can be scheduled for a later time. Larger bulk mutations can then, for example, already be scheduled for the evening / night, so that they do not disrupt the regular process during the day. Note that only records that were included in the filter at the time of planning the bulk action are adjusted.

  • PIM-4634: In advanced filters, the filter option 'Exests' has been added. This makes filtering on articles with, for example, a Thumbnail that is filled, easier.

  • PIM-4658: The option to remove multiple workflows from the queue at once was already present. Now this option is also enabled for deleting print jobs.

  • PIM-4679: When adding a record in Beeyond, previously only the creation date was filled. The modification date remained empty at that time. This has been adjusted, whereby the change date is now also filled immediately. This makes filtering records in Beeyond easier. For example, if changes of the last 10 minutes are requested, only filtering on the change date is necessary.

  • PIM-4691: If a record has incoming relations it is no longer possible to delete this record. The incoming relations must first be removed. An example is that the color 'Green' is linked to an article. Previously, in the entity of the colors, 'Green' could be removed, regardless of the fact that it was linked to an article. Now a notification follows, and the color Green must first be disconnected from all articles.

  • PIM-4702: If an incorrect URL was entered in an attribute of the type 'External Resource' it caused a fatal error. This has been adjusted so that a functional message is now displayed.

  • PIM-4726: When many 1-n relations were linked to a record, editing this master record became very slow. An adjustment has been made with significant performance improvements as a result.

  • PIM-4728: For users it is possible to select the language 'French'. Please note that the menu paths have not yet been translated into French, so this function does not work yet. However, the first step has been taken.

In addition, it is possible for the administrator of a domain in the blueprint to define field names in the French language. If a user then selects the language 'French', he will see the customer-specific fields displayed in the French language. However, the menu structure is still in English until the French language has also been fully translated.

  • PIM-4770: If an entity's history was missing a record, an error.lazy.component message occurred. This has been captured and is no longer displayed.

  • PIM-4783: When clicking through and editing one on many relationships, users were regularly notified 'The node has been removed'. This has been adjusted.

Import / export

  • PIM-2399: It is possible to clear a date field via a camel workflow. An example of an application is to use a date field to fill attributes in an article in the future based on that date field. After the date has passed it can be automatically emptied via such a camel workflow. Click here for the camel help page, where an example can be downloaded (see example 10).

  • PIM-2962: From this version there is the possibility to export the URL of a Blob attribute (which can store files such as images or manuals). Previously, only the actual file could be exported. In the export mappping, choose the Blob Url option in the 'Conversion type' field.

  • PIM-3752: In an import or export mapping, an error message is given when the field 'column' is cleared. This was a system message, and has been changed to a logical functional message.
  • PIM-3812: If multiple relationships were changed simultaneously to 1 entity via a bulk mutation, this caused a 'Heuristic completion error'. This has been adjusted, and now it is possible to adjust these fields in one go.
  • PIM-4069: The column 'Success' was already present in the workflow history. This check mark indicates whether a workflow has been technically successful. In this version this has been extended with the column 'Successfully processed'. This column applies to import workflows and shows whether all data has been successfully processed from the import file, or whether errors have occurred during the import. For example, if an Excel file was read with articles in which 1 article was not imported due to a too long description, then the import has been technically successful. So success is checked. However, not all data has been read correctly. Successfully processed is not checked in this example. From the workflow history you can zoom in on the errors, and in addition, the file can be retrieved from Beeyond with data that has not been read in.

  • PIM-4319: The possibility is added to export HTML as plain text from Beeyond. This can be set in the export mapping on the relevant HTML attribute. In the 'Type of conversion' field, choose HTML as plain text '. Click here for more information.

  • PIM-4517: During an export workflow the error sometimes occurred: "Error on retrieving record. Database is closed". As a result, the export workflow was not executed successfully. This issue is resolved.

  • PIM-4523: Beeyond's acceptance environment (https://acceptatie.beeyond.nl/) is a copy of the production environment (https://portal.beeyond.nl/). On the acceptance environment, however, no files are exported to an FTP environment. In these workflows, the export files could not be retrieved from Beeyond from history. This has been adjusted so that exports can be retrieved on this acceptance environment.

  • PIM-4635: If a workflow takes longer than 10 hours it will be logged out and stopped by Beeyond. The next workflow from the queue is then automatically picked up. The reason for this is that it sometimes happened that workflows were active for longer than 10 hours, while in practice they were no longer active. An example is that this workflow has not been correctly logged out in the database, as a result of which other workflows are not picked up.

  • PIM-4596: When running many FTP import worf klows one after the other, the error message "Connection closed without indication" could occur. An adjustment has been made in closing the FTP connections, so that this message no longer occurs.

  • PIM-4655: In an FTP import workflow, an email address can be entered, where the report of the import is then sent to. If an FTP import workflow was now copied from the workflow history, and this e-mail address was filled, this e-mail address was also changed in the initial workflow. This has been resolved in this version.

  • PIM-4678: Via the menu path Data, Import data, the option 'Check data only' is present. This can be used to set that the file is only checked for errors, so that the file is not actually read yet. However, as of release 1.8.0, the data was imported directly into Beeyond. This has been fixed so that from this version the data is checked again if the option is checked.

  • PIM-4702: It is possible to recalculate all records in an entity via a camel workflow. In this way, all calculated fields are touched and set correctly. An example of such a camel file can be found here (see example 11).

  • PIM-4721: A workflow cleanup task has recently been added in the background. This ensures that workflows older than 30 days are removed from the database. There was another error in this task that prevented it from always being performed correctly. This has been adjusted so that this task is now always handled correctly.

  • PIM-4821: In export workflows the following error occurred regularly "ERROR # 1584277264437: null" (where the number from this message is continuously different). As a result, exports were unsuccessful. This issue has been resolved in release 1.8.4.

  • PIM-4824: Another message that occasionally occurs during an export workflow is "Could not initialize class". This error message in the export has also been resolved.
  • PIM-4936: When changing import and export formats, the following message occurred if the mapping was saved several times in a row: error.mapping.entitydef.changed. This message has been resolved in this release.
  • PIM-4915: The error message "Error during executing transaction in thread" has been fixed that regularly occurred when importing data.
  • PIM-4821: Another message that occurred sporadically during the import was: ERROR # 1584277264437: null. This error message has also been resolved.
  • PIM-4796: When exporting to Excel via the front-end, a string attribute in Beeyond is exported as text. As a result, certain characters (such as a leading 0) are not automatically removed by Excel.


  • PIM-4320: With group attributes it is now no longer mandatory to enter the height. This field has been removed in the blueprint for this type of attribute, because it is not relevant here.

  • PIM-4415: In the blueprint, attributes of type 'Calculated Field' have the validator type 'Number Range Validator' added. This means that it can be assumed that the value in this field type is always greater than 0, for example.

  • PIM-4581: In the blueprint, the 'Default value' can now always be cleared. This depended on validators added to the attribute in the blueprint. For example, if the 'Mandatory validator' was added, it was no longer possible to empty this default value in the blueprint.

  • PIM-4649: If the width was entered for a relation attribute, it was also mandatory to enter the height, but that was not correct. This has been adjusted by making it no longer mandatory.

  • PIM-4906: In BEL expressions it was not possible to use an attribute of the type 'BTW Check State' or 'KvK check state'. This has been adjusted so that this is now possible.

  • PIM-4927: Saving the blueprint caused a fatal error if certain special characters were used.